Success Stories by CBD CLINIC’s Partners
“Effective, long-lasting, powerful relief.”
“As a massage therapist, I have many clients (pilots, service members, police and fire people, etc.) that can’t use products with THC. I always offer a choice between the CBD CLINIC ointment and some other pain relieving products that I used previous to finding the CBD CLINIC products. Most of my clients have chosen the CBD CLINIC product (a couple after researching that the CBD oil wouldn’t trigger on a random drug test for work). Every one that made the choice for CBD CLINIC product have commented on how much more relief they received and how much longer the effect lasted.”
Amy C. / LMT
“Works for my patients and for me”
“We LOVE CBD CLINIC at our office! It provides exceptional natural pain relief to our patients, and they love the quality ingredients and results they get.I have scoliosis, and after a long day of practice my back sometimes hurts. Other pain creams only gave me one hour (at max) of pain relief, but CBD CLINIC was the first product to give me several hours of pain relief! We go through several tubs here, and I haven’t met a patient yet that hasn’t bought some after trying it! Thank you for offering such a wonderful product!”
Jack S. / Chiropractor
“People came back for more after testing a sample”
I work at a clinic and we see many patients that suffer from pain related to arthritis, injuries, neuropathic pain from diabetes, etc, as well as other causes. Before receiving the CBD CLINIC products, we were trying everything from lidocaine patches, various over the counter creams and ointments, etc. We had many patients on some type of medication or topical preparations like narcotics, gabapentin, NSAIDs, Cymbalta, diclofenac cream, etc. Before ordering the products we started handing out the sample packets of the CBD CLINIC Products. The feedback was exceptional. Those that tried the samples reported having great results in most cases immediately. We were so convinced by the feedback that we started ordering the level 5 pain sticks. We are a small clinic/pharmacy in a economically depressed area yet people are purchasing the product and so far we have had return purchases even though we’ve only been selling this a short time.
jane K, / Private Pain Practice